Stem Cell Systems Biology
We use theoretical approaches to gain insight into cellular mechanisms in vivo. Our main interests focus on development and regeneration, driven by diverse types of stem cells. These systems nevertheless share essential characteristics, such as the ability to specify and maintain cell fates in uncertain environments. Models reveal insight into cell dynamics and the mechanisms underpinning them. Recent papers.
We design new algorithms to analyze single-cell and multi-omic datasets. We build models of cellular signaling dynamics and cell fate decision-making. We develop methods for Bayesian parameter inference of multiscale models with heterogeneous data. Read more.
Recent News
- Happy holidays & merry Christmas 🎅
- New preprint: Logic dictates transition paths in EMT
- Paper out now: stem cell variation arises before birth
- Adam visits Brown University
- New preprint: Revealing intermediate EMT state dynamics
- Adam visits Columbia University
- Adam visits the Leibniz Institute on Aging
- Paper out now: how do stem cells age?
- Nikith begins medical school
- Paper out now: a new model for metastatic cancer
- Congratulations to Dr. Xiaojun Wu
- Riddhee award a USC SURF fellowship
- Paper out now: Gastrulation-stage gene Nipbl+/- expression mis-directs cell fates
- New preprint: the origins of variation in blood stem cells
- Stem cells in the classroom